A Stairway Walk Through Washington Park Arboretum
Monday, January 27
Jake Jaramillo

Yesterday, we decide to take advantage of the remnants of cold sunshine preceding the upcoming week of showers by making a visit to Washington Park Arboretum. Chapter 14, titled "The Olmsted Vision: The Arboretum, Interlaken Park, and Volunteer Park," guides stairway walkers briefly through the western side of the Arboretum, but readers might want to take a detour along the Wilcox Footbridge to explore more.

There are lots of stairways along the Arboretum's paths. But the real reason to visit, at any time of year, is for the stupendous flora: more than 10,000 plants and at least 4,400 different species!

We were surprised to see so much budding going on in late January, so we took lots of pictures. We wonder if we are truly seeing unusually early blooming, and if so, whether it has something to do with global warming. 

Article originally appeared on Seattle Stairway Walks (http://www.seattlestairwaywalks.com/).
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