Chapter 14, "The Olmsted Vision: The Arboretum, Interlaken Park, and Volunteer Park"

Water Tower Temporary Closure
As of May 1, 2021 the Vounteer Park water tower remains temporarily closed because of pandemic concerns about the narrow 119-step stairways to the viewing space on top. Seattle Parks suggests the tower will reopen "soon," when they can install personnel to monitor compliance with separate one-way routing up and down the two stairways.
Also notable: the Parker Mansion, included on the route just after the water tower, has been recently sold. The 6 bedroom, 8 bath "Millionaires Row" residence sold for $5.3 million. That would be about $182,000 in 1909, when the mansion was built.
Volunteer Park Water Tower - the motto says "Pure Water, 1906"
The Parker Mansion
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